Why Add Fuel Stabilizer When Refueling

Adding fuel stabilizer to your boat’s engine fuel system every time you fill up the tank is a simple measure to protect the longevity of the engine.

Adding fuel stabilizer

Fuel stabilizer prevents boat fuel from absorbing water and prevents phase separation. Most of today’s gasolines contain about 10% ethanol, identified as E10 at the pump. Ethanol helps fuel burn more efficiently, which improves engine performance and reduces CO2 emissions. However, ethanol is hygroscopic and hydrophilic, which means it attracts and absorbs water molecules. 

Eventually the ethanol reaches saturation point and the ethanol/water mixture separates from the gasoline. It sinks to the bottom of the fuel tank from where it’s drawn into the fuel system and creates major problems for the outboard and/or sterndrive.

Fuel water separation

Fuel stabilizer slows the rate ethanol absorbs water and reduces the possibility of phase separation occurring in your boat’s fuel tank. This is why you should add fuel stabilizer every time you refuel your boat.

Benefits of Fuel Stabilizer

Fuel stabilizer prevents gasoline from oxidizing and leaving behind varnish-like deposits. It helps lubricate components within the fuel system and inhibits corrosion from within, protecting it during the winterization and storage period.

Adding fuel stabilizer to your boat is just one part of properly winterizing a motor. Watch the video above to see how to winterize an outboard engine.


